Consider This...
(or Mindful Meanderings)

I've been writing for a number of years to help me see just what it is that I think I understand. These were steps for me to begin to trust my own life and the world. Some people come in with a basic trust and some come in, like me, and have to find answers that will lead to trust. I share these because I believe that sharing ourselves is an act of love. When we hold back what's in our heart to avoid seeming foolish, we diminish that love. -Duane

04.18.2005 It Can All Be So Beautiful
03.08.2004 Foundational Beliefs and Big Picture Belief Criteria
03.02.2004 What Do I Really Believe?
02.03.2004 Self Evidence, Independent Thinking
11.30.2003 About Being Yourself
09.25.2003 Where to Begin to Find What is True
09.25.2003 Why I do this
06.23.2003 Beauty
06.10.2003 What If God Was One Of Us...
12.27.2002 Consider This...
01.30.2002 Life, Contradictions, We are not bodies, Think about it...
01.13.2002 Ordinary versus unordinary experience, Stubbing one's toe
01.08.2002 Physical and Emotional Pain
01.07.2002 Reflections on Love
01.01.2002 Love, Connection, Sex
04.18.2001 Predestination, Letter from Robert
12.26.1997 Talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, yeah.
03.00.1994 Experience, Inference, Conclusion
06.11.1993 Probabilities, Clarity of Intent, "Fishbowl" and "the Zone"


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